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웹테리어(Webterior)는 카페24 템플릿을 제작하는 업체입니다.
저희 웹테리어는 웹이라는 사이버상의 가상공간에 현실에서의 공간개념을 접목 시키고자 합니다.

[Stars] : Alone in the night / On a dark hill / With pines around me / Spicy and still, /// And a heaven full of stars / Over my head, / White and topaz / And misty red; Myriads with beating / Hearts of fire / That aeons / Cannot vex or tire; /// Up the dome of heaven / Like a great hill, / I watch them marching / Stately and still, And I know that I / Am honored to be / Witness / Of so much majesty. And I know that I / Am honored to be / Witness / Of so much majesty.